Agoraphobic Nomad | Introduction

Agoraphobic Nomad

I have experienced agoraphobia with panic disorder for around 14 years, after experiencing anxiety and panic episodes. In the past, I have used both healthy and unhealthy ways to deal with the condition, but mainly unhealthy and dysfunctional methods, such as using alcohol to block out the intense feelings of anxiety. I started to depend or self-medicate with alcohol to get out and about, more and more, but found myself in a situation where I was drinking far too much and too frequently.

I am now in the process of facing and dealing with my anxious feelings and fears without the aid of alcohol. I have sought help and support from therapists, and others who find themselves in a similar situation.

I will be starting a blog very shortly, documenting recovery, sharing positive and healthy advice, and I am also in the process of writing a book which will describe my experiences over the years, from childhood, until present. I hope to shed light on personality characteristics, experiences and more which may relate to people experiencing agoraphobia, panic disorder or similar, and to gain insight into the genesis and development of the condition.

(Written June 2015).

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